How do I get started?
In order to find your Hot Latinas Chat number, all you have to do is to enter your area code in the header at top of this page and then press GO. Then call the number shown for your local area (just take note of the free trial code) and follow the voice prompt in the system.
How do I get help?
Hot Latinas Chat has 24/7 customer service to help you with all your concerns. Just call this number ______. All our friendly customer service is available to help you.
Are the people on the system paid operators?
No, we do not have any voice recordings nor paid operators to answer your calls. Hot Latinas Chat only provides you the place to chat with real people in real-time.
Can I meet someone through the Hot Latinas Chat website?
Currently, we do not have a website to list all our members on our phone chat line. But, you may freely enter your area code number to get your free trial code and get access to Hot Latinas Chat phone line system to meet beautiful single Latinas.
Who uses Hot Latinas Chat?
We have a large database of Hispanic members all over the United States. In addition, we got thousands of hot Latinas and Latinos who go online every day. Hot Latinas Chat is the hottest place you want to be.
I am calling long distance and I can't use my free trial membership. Why not?
For free trial members, only the telephone you have signed up can call our chat line. Paid members however, have access of using their membership for any phone they want to use.
Is there any reason why I wouldn't be able to get a free trial?
There are two factors which influence issuing a free trial:
Can I get another free trial membership?
How we wish we could give you another free trial. However, we also want to be fair to other first timers who want to try our service. The free trial is limited to one per household. But if you really like to continue using our service, you may do so by getting a paid membership. Hot Latinas Chat currently offers 50% off to new members. You may call our toll free number at _________ to know more about this promo.
Can I get a free trial from a cellular (mobile) phone?
Of course for as long as you are calling from a digital mobile phone. If however, your phone does not show on call display, you may dial __ first before your local number.
Can I try your service for free before buying a membership?
Yes, Hot Latinas Chat offers free trial membership. It would only take a minute to get your free trial set-up. If you call our customer service, just follow the voice prompt in setting up your free trial membership.
Can I use my free trial from any phone?
No. You can only use the free trial from the phone that you used to sign up for the trial. New free trials won't register if the phone number has already been used.
I'm calling your 800 number, and I can't use my free trial. Why not?
The 800 numbers are for paid members of Hot Latinas Chat only. For free trials, you should call the nearest local area number near you. Long distance charges may also apply.
I'm calling from a local phone number and I can't use my free trial. Why not?
Your free trial may not work if:
How do I record my greeting?
After calling Hot Latinas Chat, the voice prompt will guide you to create your own greeting. Remember to utter the words clearly whenever recording your greeting.
How do I answer a message?
You can reply back when someone message you by simply creating a message or requesting for a connection. We will then let you know when someone answers back. For a connection request, we may ask your line to hold on first while waiting for the other person if he or she wants to connect with you.
What is the difference between a "message" and a "connection request"?
A message is a personal message, which you record and send to another member on the line. These messages allow you to get to know the person on the other line. On the other hand, a connection request is another type of message that invites the person on the other line to join you on a private live conversation.
How much time do I have to record my greeting?
You can record a greeting up to a minute long. This is enough for you to talk about yourself and let other members know what you are looking for in the first place.
What should I say in my greeting?
You should introduce yourself when creating your own greeting. This will enable other members to get to know you. Most members decide to describe themselves and what kind of person they are looking for. You can record your greeting anytime.
What do I do if I receive a message from a caller that I'm not interested in?
You can easily block a user that does not interest you. If you block such caller, he or she may not be able to hear your greeting and you won't be able to hear their greetings as well.
What do I do if I receive a message that I find really interesting?
Whenever you receive a message from a member that interests you, you can instantly exchange private messages with them until you are ready to connect in live and private conversation.
What is not acceptable in a greeting?
Hot Latinas Chat does not tolerate any kind of discrimination based on age, gender or race. Also, Hot Latinas Chat does not accept any references to illegal substances as well.
When is time deducted from my membership?
Our system will automatically inform you of the time that is deducted in your membership. Time is deductive automatically after you have recorded your greeting and start hearing other member's greetings. Also, memberships left unused for 30 days will be charged a 10-minute maintenance fee. Furthermore, memberships that remained unused for 3 months will be deactivated without refund.
What do I do if I forget or lose my membership number or passcode?
This is a private number. To further protect you against any fraud, please call our customer service at ____ to request for your passcode. You may be asked for some personal information to verify that you are a valid member of Hot Latinas Chat.
Is my credit card/personal information secure?
Yes, you are guaranteed that we are a secured and safe site to accept credit card payments. All credit cards presented are securely directed to the financial institution that issued the credit card. You are notified of approval or decline while on the phone with our friendly 24-hour toll-free customer service.
What is your Privacy Policy regarding my personal information?
Hot Latinas Chat do not in any way share your personal information to any third party. Further, once the account is set-up, Hot Latinas Chat do not contact you, unless you call us first. We may need you to verify some personal information first before we entertain any questions regarding your account in Hot Latinas Chat.
What personal information do I have to give you?
Hot Latinas Chat require that you provide us of the following: name, address, phone number, social security number, credit card or check by phone account number. Once this information is confirmed we can process your order.
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